"You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read"
Charlie Tremendous Jones.
Wow, what a powerful statement that highlights the impact reading can have on your life.
With a Teacher as a fiancé I know first hand that reading has been a huge focus for schools, which is equally as important to us when it comes to our three year old daughter, since we understand that the benefits are invaluable. However it is a completely different story when it comes to myself.....
If this quote is true and I only had physical books to rely on, then the list of titles I have finished would be pretty meagre. I don't have the time or space to acquire and consume endless shelves of books. I'd really love to but I don't, and I expect this will be true for many of us. It is only in the last few years that I’ve come to realise that the reasons shared above didn‘t have to stop me from engaging with the written word, and have since been able to complete a multitude of titles, all with the help of audiobooks.
Initial Spark
My interest in audiobooks was probably born out of what I saw as a "life hack". Time is such a precious commodity and I wasnt ready to give any of it up to sit and read. We all know someone who is well read, articulate and bears great insight. In the past I found this impressive but also intimidating in equal measure, as developing this myself seemed completely unachievable.
What I realised is that I could smash through "books" whilst I'm driving, taking a shower or in the dark going to bed.... all of which would not be possible with a traditional book. The idea of multitasking, consuming all these books and not using any extra time really appealed to me.
Added Bonus
In keeping with the efficiencies that come with audiobooks, I suddenly realised I could sell, donate or recyle all my existing physical books knowing that the digital audio version was just a few clicks away. I saw this as a way of keeping with the minimalistic culture, that continues to gain popularity today.
I actually became aware of this idea of ‘minimalism’ fittingly through an audibook titled Tidy the F*ck Up: The American Art of Organizing Your Sh*t by Messie Condo. If you think about it, music is streamed and CDs are less collected, photos are digital and fewer in chunky albums, even the 1940's capsule wardrobe idea has made a real comeback. Don't get me wrong; I wasn’t drowning in books beforehand, but extra space is extra space, right?
Aspirations of Growth
People who have a way with words have always impressed me; whether that be a speaker like Russell Brand eloquently blending his colloquial accent with a breadth of words and staggering pace, or a Rapper like Eminem (who holds the record for having the most unique words in his work) and cultivates humour filled rhymes, interlacing them into astonishing lyrics. Both have fine tuned a craft that has words, script and text at it's heart.
Ok so I'm not aiming to emulate either of the above, but I knew that expanding my vocabulary was something I wanted to work on and audibooks could supplement that. Listening to hours of narrative, fact, fiction or opinion gave me the chance to not only exposed me to new words, but also the context of which they are used. Again all without it feeling like hard work.
I've always spent alot of time and effort growing and nurturing my body (not always successfully), but how about growing my mind? In adult life I have rarely thrown myself into opportunities to learn something new. The prosepect of learning through listening suddenly gave me a thirst for knowledge and it wasnt even going to take any extra time of effort...Ok so you still have to listen and take it in, but it's amazing what sticks.
Narration speed can be adjusted to what best suits you and the book. Some narrators are naturally slower and you may wish to speed up. An added bonus is that you could condense a 9 hour book into 6 hours listening.
You can get audiobooks from a number of sources, I predominately use Audible and subscribe monthly although there a free trial options available in the first instance. What’s great is the range of professional narrators that are available like Stephen Fry, or often the author themselves take to the mic and it is here that autobiographies really come to life; when you are able to hear your idol tell their story, it is real. When your favourite comedian reads you a joke from their book, it's funnier, and when inspirational individuals pass on wisdom it seems to penetrate deeper.
I cannot see a time where audiobooks will not be at all present in my life. There will always be a murder mystery novel for whilst I'm washing up or a comedian's autobiography when I'm out on a walk. Lately I have been using it successfully for my daughter to play short stories in the car which has really helped keep her entertained during those long drives...and it has to be better than nursery rhymes on repeat!
Top selling book and audiobook charts are often similar, but here are some of the books I would recommend trying as an audiobook, even if you have already read a physical copy.
In no particular order:
Greenlights: Mathew McConaughey. McConaughey narrates with his unique lovable style, accent and personality.
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: Stieg Larrson. Saul Riechlin's has you feeling feeling that you really are in Sweden and immerses you into the mystery.
Harry Potter (any of the series): J. K. Rowling. Stepehen Fry narrates these and bringing the characters to life in a way that the voice in my own head cpuld never do justice.
Can't Hurt Me: David Goggins. Goggins himself narrates here and his passion, drive and infectious desire can be heard in every sentence.
Son of a Silverback: Russell Kane. So many laugh out loud moments listening to this, the jokes really are funnier delivered by Russell himself.
Audiobooks are for me, and whether you read for pleasure, knowledge or entertainment then it is definitely worth considering if they may be for you too.
If you do give it a try, feel free to send us a message on Facebook or Instagram to let us know how you get on. Oh and don’t forget to send in any great recommendations as I’m always on the lookout!
I discovered audiobooks during lockdown as I was feeling frustrated having all this time at home but with two preschoolers, no time alone. Audio books meant I could do some gardening, running and have a shower whilst multitasking. I also learnt that you can return a book on audible and get a credit back. It makes it more affordable.